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Over the years I’ve been playing with wood.


I have a reverence for trees.


Each tree, each piece of wood has a story to tell.


A skilled craftsman can read the story in the wood and create a new chapter, a new dialog for the story hidden within.


There is nothing quite so satisfying as taking a tree, breaking it down into smaller parts and putting them back together in a new beautiful form.

Create a new story in the new form.


Come Play with me as I breathe new life into old wood.

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Most Recent Projects

As a long-time Woodworker, I've built a variety of large and small projects.  I've learned to use the tools available to me to get the job done.

I'm currently outfitting my new shop.  I need to work with wood or I'll go crazy.

Follow along on my journey to rebuild my woodworking shop and start a business from the ground up.

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